Monday, January 25, 2010

Body Chemistry: The "Pine Sol" Effect

Every scent is different on everyone because our body chemistry is unique to us individually. When a perfume smells enticingly good upon first whiff and suddenly converts into something resembling a household cleanser after spraying it on, that is what I dub the "Pine Sol" effect.

A classic example of the Pine Sol effect occurred when I was leafing through a fashion magazine that had a fragrance sample of the newly-released Ralph Laurent scent Notorious. Opening the tab, I breathed in a lovely, spicy-lemony scent and thought "I have got to try this one out, it's gorgeous!".

Sometime later I got a sample-sized bottle of Notorious, excitedly dabbed in on my wrists, and there it was: it smelled like Pine Sol on me - simply godawful. What a disappointment! I had to strike another potentially wonderful scent off the list because of incompatible chemistry. It's somewhat like dating, when what seems like a great match isn't. Far from it.

Next on the list of tryouts: the House of Chanel.

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